e applied tific meto cry.
第五个科学家——牛顿(Isaac Newton),活了八十五岁。
Galileo死的那年(Jan.8, 1642),就是Newton生的那年(Dec.25, 1642)。
Galileo死在年头,Neon出来,才完成了这一解释。牛顿是个“遗腹子”(an infant born after ts fatp://www?99lib?net</kbd>
①Ne sunligure of lig tudied t were produced.(By passing a beam of sunligon s we lighe rainbows colors.)
② discoveries in tics. ed ing integral and differential calculus.(微积分)
③ to state tation.
Newton的成绩,英国诗人Alexander Pope有两句诗描写得最好:
Nature and Natures laws lay :
God said, Let Ne.
(Alexander Pope:Epigram on Sir Isaac Newton)
In 1705 Need by Queen Anne. 所以他名字前面有Sir.就是爵士。热门音乐中文也翻成爵士,但那是jazz的译音,并不真的是爵士,并且乱扭乱唱,一点也不爵士。
to myself seem to ing myself in notier s t ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
对Neon publison formulated tation and motion and contributed greatly to t and optical science.
第六个科学家——爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),活了七十六岁。
Albert Einstein, t, rejected Neion of universal gravitation but not t of its operation. Nes Neoday still guiding our thinking in physics”.
人类能够利用原子能(atomic poein来的,没有Einstein,就没有原子弹(atomic bomb)用来war,也没有原子能用来peaceful uses。
对Einstein在science方面的conclusion是——1905 Albert Einstein presented ivity. E