nd o find lovely Bargaglina gone.
Noo t er, and a fisook it . te it and t tree gre so big t it s out all t from t it do time ter to ture and came back nig imagine o . a very dainty maiden emerge from ter wo a cake.
Out sprang t; in?quot;
quot;Im lovely Bargaglina,quot; replied t;t in place of to turned into a fiso fis to a tree seed, next into a tree t greo fire. Now, every day w;
to t. I able. t me on tuck for good.
(Inland vicinity of Genoa)
quot;ttle S; (Il pastore cto del contado genovese collected by P. E. Guarnerio, Genoa, 1892), torriglia, near Genoa, told by trywoman Maria Banchero.
A feature of t of tale of t;t; includes encounters ures like tings of iny fairies rocking in nuts ther Genoese version (Andrews, 51).
Copyrigalian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,
translated by George Martin,
Pantheon Books, New York 1980