!quot; cried Lucia.
quot;By Jove, its o a tee, as t ter not joke ; ook up t to t;Ill come back later for everyt; ;I o get a;
So ted. Since Lucia sums of to live in comfort and ed a cross before t ance.
quot;Silver Nosequot; (Il naso dargento) from Carraroli, 3, from Lang.
Bluebeard in Piedmont is Silver Nose. ims are not servant girls, and tory is not taken from c cruel feudal masters as in Perrault, but from medieval taining translated from dialect and summarized by Carraroli; but to get back ered all over Nortaly. I integrated t version ian one (Bernoni, 3).
Copyrigalian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,
translated by George Martin,
Pantheon Books, New York 1980