The Earth Gods
lifes will
Calls to the grave.
Behis is man!
A creature bred on hunger and made food for hungry gods.
A vine t creeps in dust beneat of death.
t blooms in nights of evil shadows;
terror and shame.
And yet you would and drink.
You amongst shrouded faces
And draony lips
And from ernity.
third God
th is singing,
And thrice higher is his song.
And pierces the sky,
And scatters th.
Second God (Always unhearing)
the bee hums harshly in your ears,
And foul is to your lips.
Fain you,
But how shall I?
Only tens wo gods,
For measureless is t lies beties,
And he space.
Yet I you,
I would make serene your clouded sphere;
And t,
I would counsel you.
of cless lig remulous sound t quickened ts of air and sea.
t of t droeps time y, t sets upon our footprints, ss and desires, and seeing only h our eyes.
And unto earto life came t, t, and none save us kne of years nebulous dreams, till noontide of to the sun.
And from tial ecstasy, we brougure wage.
tars, o eartant regions; and of man, ters, e t o to tten sand of th.
From tus land where days are born
to perilous isles where days are slain,
Man t ed, overbold by our purpose,
Ventures h lyre and sword.
Ours is the will he heralds,
And ours ty he proclaims,