ts surrender
By ted
to be found in our obituaries
Or in memories draped by t spider
Or under seals broken by tor
In our empty rooms
Dayadhe key
turn in turn once only
e the key, each in his prison
the key, each confirms a prison
Only at nigherial rumours
Revive for a moment a broken Coriolanus
Damyata: t responded
Gaily, to t h sail and oar
t would have responded
Gaily, ing obedient
to controlling hands
I sat upon the shore
Fishe arid plain behind me
S least set my lands in order?
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down
Poi sascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam ceu chelidon - O swallow swallow
Le Prince dAquitaine a la tour abolie
ts I my ruins
you. hieronymos mad againe.
Datta. Dayada.