第二部分:从汉语到英语 从汉语到英语
It iful. I love it. It ed to read every line. Your imagination is so vivid and tful. Yes, remember our conversations, “ is t forever. t they?
不过,Jerry 的信并没有让我感到欣慰,我觉得Jerry作为美国人也许还不能透彻地理解我的本意,他只是读懂了这个故事。怎样才能让外国人真正理解这个故事呢?我继续修改文章,还请另一位美国朋友Margaret帮我提意见。我想,Margaret是女性,她也许会从另一个角度理解这个故事。在和他们讨论这篇文章的时候,我觉得自己对汉译英有了更大的兴趣——汉语和英语毕竟是两种语言,怎么才能译得更好呢?
下面是Jerry 和Margaret帮我修改过的散文。我真希望有人能再将它译成中文,看看在别人的笔下它会变成一个什么样的故事:
In a small toyard. tyard people in big cities could not ball fields. tory yard sunsables: cucumber, eggplant, bean, tomatoes, and green peppers. In tiful pattern. Our red roof oed tness, and ted sky blue as if t of colorful toy bricks as in tales.
Usually tyard , and sometimes it t you could feel t it empty. I loved reading in tyard ree wenderness.
tco me imes I felt ted to talk to somebody. But at times no one alking to me. In tting, tyard . People coming life to tyard. Men and ered er sccyard, as ter the same.
During t only tyard, ty-years old. Sterly blind. Most of time sayed in ting in an old armcimes to t of t ternoon in silence. No sound ence and in my consciousness tyard; but in reality the black dog, me and Granny.
One day I again sat under tree, reading Die eltraetsel (tery of t . ter I ed to ture ream, tful breezes and