My acquaintance creature, .
My first introduction to E., o an acquaintance a little on timacy, er of ton Spa Library, tered upon by a branco auspicate, I suppose, t it a going re -- ensibly to inquire for some neion, but in reality to of trious s an air did ely giving ion, and launc into a dissertation on its comparative merits ain publications of a similar stamp, its rivals! ed customers fairly o tative sentence. So leman in comedy acting treet. I admired trionic art, by o carry clean aion of disgrace, from tion ted to; and from t er repentance, to be a person, y to be more acquainted.
to descant upon s as a Comedian e and professional s alone I o do; t o t tage boards into streets, and dining-parlours, and kept up t;I like renc; a friend o ;because ural, easy creature, on tage, t ; quot;My case exactly,quot; retorted Elliston -- fulness, t tion does not alo t; I am tage t I am on.quot; t first sigical; but examine it a little, and it confesses only, t ting.
And in trutons private deportment. You ed performance alo pay. As , becomes ipso facto for t time a palace; so e, or stood still, tre. , boxes, and galleries, and set up able play corners of streets, and in t-places. Upon flintiest pavements rod till; and if o be passionate, t of tragedy spontaneously rose beneat. Noy, and s. So Apelles aled -- in t. So G. D. alises. I e a lukeist. I ors -- and some of tons oamp -- ic existence; but no sooner does tain fall s leaden clatter, but a spirit of