AUGUST, 1942
FRIDAY, AUGUSt 14, 1942
Dear Kitty,
Ive deserted you for an entire mont so little I cant find a
neem to relate every single day. t teent from teento sixteent call-up notices rig and causing a lot of unrest, so t o leave a day too early too late.
Peter van Daan arrived at nine-ty in till at breakfast). Peters going on sixteen, a s amount to mucer.
Muco our amusement, Mrs. van Daan inside. quot;I just dont feel at my c,quot; s item to find a permanent place under tead of a c, Mr. van D. ea table under his arm.
From t, e our meals togeter t felt as if turally, to tell about tion. e erested in ment and to Mr. Goldsc.
Mr. van Daan filled us in: quot;Monday morning at nine, Mr. Goldsc p straigraught Mr.
Goldsc. e t t beructed, o bring t to to be searc traig table. Suddenly I saepad on Mrs. Franks desk, ricten on it. Even t it on purpose, I pretended to be surprised and to burn ting piece of paper. I s I kne your disappearance, but t te , I said, I bet I knoo. About six monto t seems ogeto ioned in Maastric o o Belgium and to Szerland. telling to any friends of t t need to mention t about Maastricer t I left. tory most of your friends old, because I later from several other people.”
e t it remely funny, but certain people ions. For example, one family living on
our square claimed tely positive o some kind of military ve.
Yours, Anne
FRIDAY, AUGUSt 21, 1942
Dear Kitty,
No Ann