Dearest Kitty,
. Nic. e didnt make mucs and lig supply, ten minutes, but as long as doesnt matter. Mr. van Daan made a menora of aken care of too.
St. Nicurday our curiosity ed to somet eigrooped doairs tc gave me tairs!) to tc, since t .
quot;O; we all cried.
In t decorated er.
e quickly took t upstairs tle gift for everyone, including an appropriate verse. Since youre famte eac. Nic copy them down for you.
I received a Ke bookends, and so on. ell any of us ed St. Nicime to begin.
Yours, Anne
PS. e also s for everyone doairs, a fe over from teful for money.
today ery to me!
Dearest Kitty,
Mr. van Daan used to be in t, sausage and spice business. , to our great deligs alents t have come in handy now.
e ordered a large amount of meat (under ter, of course) t o preserve in case times ao make brat, sausages and mett. I c t times. ts to t and used a long pipe to force ture into the casings.
e ate t for lunc to be canned, o dry first, so into laug was suc.
tcter t t. ted apron, crying to do everyt once: learning Dutc of a book, stirring tc, sig s o get rid of t beion and ting next to tove dabbing ea. Pim, seated in t o move to stay out of tism must ly er , atoes. rigo it, none of us ching Mr. van Daan.
Dussel al practice. Just for fun, Ill describe t patient.
Mot victim, sat do, and vaselin