MARCH, 1943
thURSDAY, MARCh 4, 1943
Dearest Kitty,
Mrs. van D. arted calling doesnt mean anyto you, so let me explain. A certain Mr.
Beaverbrook often talks on t oo lenient bombardment of Germany. Mrs. van Daan, s everyone, including Cs, is in complete agreement h Mr.
Beaverbrook. So it o tered by tion, o call her Mrs. Beaverbrook from now on.
ere getting a neo Germany. ts bad for good for us because t be famtill afraid of the warehouse.
Ganding again.
t is doing a booming business. If uff ourselves silly. Our greengrocer buys potatoes from t;equot; and brings to te office. Since s were of coming during lunc.
So muc t t s us ;a; Mrs. van D. sairs; one more sick.
I dont t pectin and pepper. As long as youre in t make candy?
A veritable torm of words came crashis morning.
t my ears ;Annes bad t; annd quot;van Daans good t.quot; Fire and brimstone!
Yours, Anne
EDNESDAY, MARCh 10, 1943
Dearest Kitty,
e circuit last nig, til daill gotten over my fear of planes and sing, and I crao
Fat for comfort. I kno sounds c till it o you! t alist, practically burst into tears and said in a timid little voice, quot;Os so awful. O; -- w;Im so scared.”
It didnt seem nearly as bad by candlelig did in to relig: to be no lig of macs ten times iaircraft guns.
Mot of bed and, to Pims great annoyance, lit te anso ;After all, Anne is not an ex-soldier!quot; And t !
old yo