JULY, 1943
SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1943
Dear Kitty,
to get back to t of ceentime), let me tell you t Im doing my best to be o do all I can to keep to a ligs not easy trying to be stand, especially . But I can see t a little s me a lot furtly en forget my role and find it impossible to curb my anger mont impertinent girl in t you to be pitied sometimes? Its a good t type, because t become sour and bad-tempered. I can usually see t its easier whe coals.
Furter a great deal of t) to drop t, so t I ime for my ots, and second, because of my eyes. ts a sad story. Ive become very nearsighted and should have had glasses ages ago.
(Ug I look like a dope!). But as you know, people in . . .
Yesterday all anyone alk about ed I go to t his made my
knees s no small matter. Going outside! Just t, reet! I cant imagine it. I rified at first, and t its not as simple as all t; ties o reac o carefully o set off immediately oime, Id taken my gray coat from t, but it looked as if it migo my little sister. e lo I still couldnt button it.
Im really curious to see t a plan, because tis for a quot;quick finish.”
Beps been giving Margot and me a lot of office o do. It makes us botant, and its a big o ters and make entries in a sales book, but h remarkable accuracy.
Miep o carry so scrounge up vegetables, and turday. e long for Saturdays because t means books. ere like a bunctle kids . Ordinary people dont know o someone whos cooped up.
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