AUGUST, 1943
oesnt look up. too, but Dussel pays them no mind.
o aco cactics. t;Putti, on an apron? Oto spend all day tomorrorying to get ts out of your suit!”
quot;Im not getting it dirty.”
Anot;Putti, do;Im fine tanding up!”
quot;Putti, look out, du spritzt sc;.* [*No Im being careful.”
Mrs. van D. casts about for anotopic. quot;tell me, Putti, ish
carrying out any bombing raids today?”
quot;Because thers bad, Kerli!”
quot;But yesterday it her.”
quot;Lets drop t.”
quot; a person talk about t or offer an opinion? quot;ell, w?”
quot;O, Mammic;* [*Mommy] quot;Mr. Frank always answers his wife.”
Mr. van D. is trying to control Mrs. van D.s not one to quit: quot;Oo be an invasion!”
Mr. van D. turns , Mrs. van D. turns red, but s about to be deterred: quot;tis doing a thing!”
ts. quot;And noter noc loud!quot;] Motifle a laugare straight ahead.
Scenes like ted almost daily, unless t errible fig case, neither Mr. nor Mrs. van D. says a word.
Its time for me to get some more potatoes. I go up to ttic, .
notices it, and o tter.
Peter she room.
Freedom in ty. Beps arrival signals tly freedom. t
going rigairs before t of us. t ss doating usually starts ;O; Bep me. Mrs. van D. doesnt miss a co make o must be one of to go up there.
Five forty-five. Bep leaves. I go doo to tco te office and to to open t door for Mouschi.