MAY, 1944
-ty, stripped doo runks and a pair of tennis shoes.
quot;Are you coming?quot; her.
quot;Yes, Ill be up in a minute, but I cant find the scissors!”
Peter ics dra;Dont make sucer,quot; she grumbled.
I didnt catcers reply, but it must , because s, and Peter pulled ;Come on, old girl!quot;
Mrs. van D. stayed put. Peter grabbed s and pulled noter led tic stairs, go of her. Mrs. van D.
came back to to a ch a loud sigh.
quot;Die Enifuquot;ter,quot;. I joked. [* tion of Moto Mozarts opera tion from t;Yes, but me.”
I to , red s er. Peter, still by tairs and groient again, strode into t in amer. Mrs. van D. didnt move, but stayed by ing desk, looking for a ;Youve got to apologize first.”
quot;All rig only because if I dont, .”
Mrs. van D. o lauge of up and to obliged to give us an explanation. (By us I mean Fat; like t ; s;Id ed airs [!]. . t t time s . Did you treat your mot ; S, pacing back and fortever came into ill gone upstairs.
Finally, at long last, s.
Less tes later sormed back doairs, , and flung sairs. Sore doairs like a tornado, probably straigo tti.
S come up again until eigime er tic, given a merciless scolding and s, no-good bum, bad example, Anne t t, I couldnt .
Everyto oday!
Yours, Anne
M. Frank
P.S. tuesday and ednesday evening our beloved Queen addressed try. Saking a vacation so surn to therlands.
S;soon, ;a s liberation,quot; quot;h