JUNE, 1944
ation of all or a lot of pompous words!
Yours, Anne
M. Frank
FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1944
Dearest Kitty,
Ne s end. Salking about getting s, being t Peter confides in me and not in Dussel doesnt re- spond sufficiently to ations and afraid o squander all t money on to- bacco. Sarts allover again.
on earty? Nobody takes rengter, so one and all, and you sen Lyzeum, yon vorne Museum.* [Acts like a scers becoming insolent, Mr. van Daan irritable and Mote a state! to remember: laug everyt everybody else! It sounds egotistical, but its actually ty.
Mr. Kuglers supposed to spend four ail. rying to get out of it ors certificate and a letter from Opekta. Mr. Kleimans omaced on soon. Starting at eleven last nige p off.
Yours, Anne
M. Frank
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1944
Dearest Kitty,
Notis attack on Co Pim and Mr. van Oaan, o be liberated before October 10. taking part in terday tarted tebsk, exactly to t the Germans invaded Russia.
Beps spirits of potatoes; from noo count t for eac t arting Monday, Mieps taking a ion. Mr. Kleimans doctors found anytorn betting matters take their course.
Yours, Anne
M. Frank
tUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1944
My dearest Kitty,
tebsk and Zoday. to ured lots of men and equipment. Five German generals aken captive. No t a isever t on sentin Peninsula ured just ter t a feat!
In t been a day rain and storms, neit t kept tis. And a little firecracker