and great in council and judgement. . But as for Lucy, ss desired o be t.
So t joy and if ever t fell out t tumnus (out) came doe Stag s - te Stag , rode a-ing ern oods to folloe Stag. And t ed long before t of pace over rougill tiers ired out and till folloag enter into a t er (for talked in quite a different style nos, let us noo t; for in all my days I never ed a nobler quarry.”
quot;Sir,quot; said t;even so let us do.”
So ted and tied to trees and on into t.
And as soon as tered it Queen Susan said, quot;Fair friends, marvel, for I seem to see a tree of iron.”
quot;Madam,quot; said,King Edmund, quot;if you look you s is a pillar of iron ern set on top thereof.”
quot;By trange device,quot; said King Peter, quot;to set a lantern rees cluster so t it and so t if it it s to no man!”
quot;Sir,quot; said Queen Lucy. quot;By likeli and t rees in t is old.quot; And tood looking upon it. t;I kno is, but t rangely. It runs in my mind t I he dream of a dream.”
quot;Sir,quot; ans;it is even so h us also.”
quot;And more,quot; said Queen Lucy, quot;for it go out of my mind t if and lantern eitrange adventures or else some great cunes.”
quot;Madam,quot; said King Edmund, quot;tirret also.”
quot;And in mine, fair brot; said King Peter.
quot;And in mine too,quot; said Queen Susan. quot;ly return to our e Stag no further.”
quot;Madam,quot; said King Peter, quot;to our o any te