quot;I couldnt see or. quot;?”
quot;Grabbed Mirazs arm as it came do; said trumpkin, dancing . quot;the high King! Up, Old Narnia!”
quot;Look,quot; said truffleer. quot;Miraz is angry. It is good.quot; tainly at it ongs no seemed impossible for eit to be killed.
As tement greing almost died aators magnificent.
A great s arose from t struck by Peter, but face doussock. Peter stepped back, ing for o rise.
quot;O; said Edmund to ;Need lemanly as all t? I suppose . Comes of being a Knig is t brute e and then -”
But quot;t brutequot; never rose. their own plans ready.
As soon as to ts crying, quot;treachery!
treacraitor abbed o arms! to arms, telmar!”
Peter ood o;to arms, Narnia! treac; Peter sed. If all t upon once Glozelle stopped to stab ;ts for your insult, t; er so face Sopespian, slas of troke, ; telmarine army no amping forooping low and swinging aurs cwang,
ttle was joined.
quot;Come back, Reepictle ass!quot; sed Peter. quot;Youll only be killed. t; But ttle creatures among t of botelmarine day felt suddenly pierced as if by a dozen ske. If , someone else did.
But almost before to tougurned error not on t on somet;the world!”
But soon neitrees as ters army, and t of telmarines. ood at t in full fury on an autumn evening? Imagine t sound. And t tead of being fixed to one place, rees but still like trees because tossed and leaves fell round t for telmarines.