ves and took tive rees, and imes killed one anot to flig and fled o tre of tain, and , as t, into a cave to it imes, but t: I do not say t. And so t telmar ory: I tell it noelmar ts lived and became a fierce and proud people; and after many generations telmar and t t also ory), and conquered it and ruled it. Do you mark all this well, King Caspian?”
quot;I do indeed, Sir,quot; said Caspian. quot;I was wis I came of a more honourable lineage.”
quot;You come of t; said Aslan. quot;And t is boto erect t beggar, and so boest emperor on eartent.”
Caspian bowed.
quot;And no; said Aslan, quot;you men and elmar, o t island in t came? It is no bad place. tes , and it is inants. ter, and fruitful soil, and timber for building, and fis discovered it. turn; but t once you door.”
t. t looking felloelmarine soldiers pus;ell, Ill take the offer.”
quot;It is ;And because you , strong magic is upon you. Your future in t world sh.”
ttle pale, came fory doorakes.
quot;Go t, my son,quot; said Aslan, bending toartled, but not unrying to remember someto the Door.
Everyones eyes s: tterly.
From telmarines set up a ;Ugs o o murder us? e go t ; And telmarines said: quot;e dont see any oticks. If you us to believe in it, icks.”
Instantly Reepicood for;If my example can be of any service, Aslan,quot; ;I ake eleven mice t arc your bidding a moments delay.”
quot;Nay, little one,quot; said Aslan,