o do understand.”
quot; gone and left out t,quot; said the Chief Voice.
quot;t you you ; roared t ent;No one couldnt it out cleaner and better. Keep it up, C up.”
quot;ell, I neednt go over tory again,quot; began the Chief Voice.
quot;No. Certainly not,quot; said Caspian and Edmund.
quot;ell, to put it in a nuts; said t;ing for ever so long for a nice little girl from foreign parts, like it mig airs and go to t takes off t. And t strangers as landed on ttle girl itd be anotter) let ts tle girl doesnt come up to scratc y to cut all your ts.
Merely in t say, and no offence, I hope.”
quot;I dont see all your ; said Reepic;Are too?quot; t of moment a spear uck, quivering, in one of trees behem.
quot;ts a spear, t is,quot; said the Chief Voice.
quot;t it is, C it is,quot; said t;You couldnt it better.”
quot;And it came from my ; tinued. quot;t visible whey leave us.”
quot;But o do t; asked Lucy.
quot; one of your o any girls?”
quot;e dursent, ,quot; said all t;ere not going upstairs again.”
quot;In ot; said Caspian, quot;you are asking to face some danger ers and daugo face!”
quot;ts rigs rig; said all t;You couldnt better.
Eion, you .”
quot;ell, of all trageous - quot; began Edmund, but Lucy interrupted.
quot;ould I o go upstairs at nig do in daylight?”
quot;O, dayligo be sure,quot; said t;Not at nigo do t. Go upstairs in the d