t it greler every day till at lengttle more ter as if t t t neellations ure of joy and fear, no living eye all. tars of t on deck and talked far into t or cheir bows.
On an evening of startling beauty, self seemed to of land on tarboard bo came slo be look as if try presently ts coast and its ern cape noern of t t out of cardboard, and tter ry ains but many gentle tractive smell came from it - ;a dim, purple kind of smellquot;, , but Caspian said, quot;I know w you mean.”
t point after point, o find a nice deep o content t at sea t bring treader as far in as t and tumbling landing in t. treader. o see no more islands. All time t try their ears.
t to guard t and Caspian led t not far because it oo late for exploring and t to go far to find an adventure. t track or otation. Underfoot ine springy turf dotted ook for ace, any; said it , and ; but it he same kind.
from t;Look! s t?quot; and everyone stopped.
quot;Are t trees?quot; said Caspian.
quot;to; said Eustace.
quot;It migs,quot; said Edmund in a lower voice.
quot;to find out is to go rig; said Reepictering off ahead of everyone else.
quot;I ts a ruin,quot; said Lucy ones and surrounded by grey pillars but unroofed. And from end to end of it ran a long table laid came doo t. At eit on table itself t out suc as even at Cair Paravel. turkeys and geese and peacocks, ts, t lobsters and gleaming salmon, ts and grapes, pineapples and pe