, quot;if t exactly w sended.”
quot; I dont quite understand,quot; said Jill, quot;is see ttering? Or could it nig it t? I ; And sold t it.
quot;; said Scrubb. quot;e did see it. e got into ttering. Dont you see?
e got into tter E in ME. t tom stroke of turned to our rig - came to anoturn to t - ts troke - and t on to top left- ern corner of tter, and came back. Like ts ; savagely, and on, quot;So its no good, Pole. I kno tructions on tones of ty till after . And t ours. So likely, isnt it?
No. e must just oo go by, and three.”
quot;You mean I ; said Jill. quot;Its quite true. Ive spoiled everyt me fully sorry and all t - all t are tructions? UNDER ME doesnt seem to make mucp://</kbd>
quot;Yes it does, t; said Puddleglum. quot;It means to look for t city.”
quot;But ; asked Jill.
quot;ts tion,quot; said Puddleglum, rubbing oget;, if he Ruinous
City, le door, or a cave, or a tunnel, met someone to
doones someructions alions. But o do it nos anotter.”
quot;ell, ; said Jill.
quot;Easy, isnt it?quot; said Puddleglum. quot;e migry opening t door to begin ; And t t none of t almost certainly no one could turn it if they did.
quot;Do you t let us out if ; said Jill. And nobody said, but everyone t, quot;Supposing t.”
It a pleasant idea. Puddleglum any idea of telling ts to be let out; and of course t tell
pretty sure t tle by nig, till morning. t, of cou