MAINLY ABOUt DARFS t t took for a tarkaan or great lord o a and raised te.
quot;O My Master,quot; said one of t;o Calormen to isroc, may-he-live-forever. “
quot;By t god tas,quot; said tirian. turned to t one in six of torc flickering lig ;isroc foug battle, D; ;t tiently to die in t-pits of Pugrahan?”
t t;Aslans orders, Aslans orders. can him?”
quot;tisroc indeed!quot; added one and spat. quot;Id like to see ry it!”
quot;Silence, dogs!quot; said the chief soldier.
quot;Look!quot; said tirian, pulling Puzzle foro t. quot;It come to Narnia at all. You ed by t out of table to s it.”
t t close, ainly enougo make taken in. t pretty untidy already during Puzzles imprisonment in table and it of it was in a big lump on one shoulder.
t very far back so t anyone could no. Some grass stuck out of one corner of tle quiet nibbling as t tering, quot;It my fault, Im not clever. I never said I was.”
For one second all taring at Puzzle ;Are you mad, My Master? are you doing to t; and t;And te noion.
quot;Give t; said the chief soldier.
quot;t; said t;t is da, for I am tirian of Narnia.”
ning. Eustace, I blame . And beginners sometimes do all t tirian ried to teac afternoon, slas sure s) and suddenly found, to surprise, t t . And t relief, it t, ratening. t lasted a second or too ed to Eustace, quot;are two.”
But ttled t.
quot;ell struck, Eustace!quot; cried tir