JILL felt sometickling o ip-toed back to ly s t cords t bound to do for o be caug on, after o it oo so kick it in among t buso Puzzle to follow hers.
the Ape was speaking again.
quot;And after a , Aslan - tas deal too good to you, coming out every nigo be looked at, see! ell, coming out any more.”
s o t suddenly a quite different voice broke in h a loud laugh.
quot; t; it sed. quot;e knoo bring . Ill tell you an old donkey s back. No and knoo do.”
tirian could not see t e certain of it ;Dont knoo do! Dont knoo do! Dont knoo do-o-o!”
quot;Silence!quot; tarkaan. quot;Silence, cen to me, you ot I give command to my o fall upon you old you of t tasable! Do you? Beware, beware.”
quot;No, no,quot; sed most of t t;ts rig it. Come on, Monkey, ss in table, seeing is believing.”
ts quiet t;You D you? But not so fast. I never said you couldnt see tashlan. Anyone who likes can see him.”
t. ter nearly a minute, t;I dont quite understand all t; it grumbled, quot;I t you said -”
quot;You t!quot; repeated t;As if anyone could call as coming out. You o go in and see him.”
quot;O; said dozens of voices. quot;ts ed!
e can go in and see o face. And no used to be.quot; And ttered, and tedly. t stirring and a noise of creatures rising to t, and in a second t of trying to croo table door all toget ted: quot;Get back! Quiet! Not so fast.”
ts stopped, many of tails