tABLE DOOR JILL ougo te rock already but se forgotten t part of ement of c. No once and ran to it, and arrived t t all of t, o t t. A terrible sig their eyes.
A Calormene oable door carrying somet kicked and struggled. As ace.
tirian and t to rescue to tance ace in and s table. tting at it now.
Even to keep urned aside, stop blubbing, I get my string ,quot; she said.
quot;are arro; said Poggin suddenly.
Everyone ducked and pulled
soon became clear t t being s at. Griffle and time ting at the Calormenes.
quot;Keep it up, boys!quot; came Griffles voice. quot;All toget Darkies any more t Monkeys - or Lions - or Kings. the Dwarfs.”
ever else you may say about D brave. t ao some safe place. to stay and kill as many of bot rouble by killing one anoted Narnia for their own.
per taken into account tection. Also tarkaans voice cried out: quot;ty of you keep ce rock. t, after me, t each a lesson.”
tirian and ill panting from t and tes rest, stood and looked on range scene by no it gave was now less and of a darker red.
As far as one could see, ty except for t lig make out muc ting up a good figirian could arkaan calling, quot;take all you can alive! take them alive!”
ever t fig did not last long. t died away.
tarkaan coming back to table: eleven men followed away, was never known.)
quot;to tas; said Risarkaan.
And o t dark door again, o table and sai