O BE tAKEN IN tIRIAN - or if ime to t all - t ttle tcable, about t long and six feet y tood on grass, tly on t of a day in early summer. Not far arees, t under every leaf t t yellos suc made tirian feel t it must be autumn but t told could not be later torees.
Everyone raised o pick t liked t iful t eac quot;It cant be meant for me... surely alloo pluck it.”
quot;Its all rig; said Peter. quot;I kno Im sure, quite sure, . Ive a feeling to try whing is allowed.”
quot;; said Eustace. And to eat.
like? Unfortunately no one can describe a taste. All I can say is t, compared s, t grapefruit youve ever eaten orange melting pear raones, and no fruit, all t taste like medicines after it.
But I cant describe it. You cant find out is like unless you can get to t country and taste it for yourself.
en enougace said to King Peter, quot;You yet told us going to, urned up.”
quot;t muco tell,quot; said Peter. quot;Edmund and I anding on tform and rain coming in. I remember t aking too fast. And I remember t our people rain t kno it -”
quot;Your people, ; said tirian.
quot;I mean my Father - Edmunds and Lucys and mine.”
quot;; asked Jill. quot;You dont mean to say t Narnia?”
quot;O o do o Bristol. Id only morning. But Edmund said to be going by t train.quot; (Edmund of person w railways.)
quot;And w ; said Jill.
quot;ell, its not very easy to describe, is it, Edmund?qu