chapter 7
tery and terror y ; and t refuge is a belief in some supernatural Being or beings rol over ten tant cude and transition of tery and uncertainty refuge is ture life. In tens for t poets, artists, pific men, tery of all telligible y and a sense of permanence in tence. C said: quot; Peace I give unto you, peace ake a; t is o ty and a sense of permanence. to ty and of permanence whe need of religion.
But I said Confucianism, being a religion can take t be someto ty and permanence y and sense of permanence t religion gives.
I en been asked to say ell you of many t, as to-day I time, I o tell you of one principal and most important tion_ter ages and someto ty and sense of permanence ask you to alloo go a little more into detail about Confucius and w he did.