t red against myself, to t fooliser so many years of foolis singing and !
tened curiously to omac, in t times and days, completely tasted and spit out, devoured up to t of desperation and deat ed money, filled omac ; for muc, e most extreme moment, o destroy t, and t succumbed to it, t till alive after all, t joy, tly under urned gray.
quot;It is good,quot; , quot;to get a taste of everyto kno lust for t belong to t for a long time, but I , dont just kno in my memory, but in my eyes, in my , in my stomaco kno;
For a long time, ransformation, listened to t sang for joy. t felt its deatime o die. as it not t o intend to kill in years as a penitent? as t ened, and proud self, led ed er every killing, proed joy, felt fear? as it not today o its deat, by t not due to t rust, so fear, so full of joy?
Noent. too mucoo many oo many sacrificial rules, to mucigation, so mucriving for t goal! Full of arrogance, est, al, alep aual one, al or o being a priest, into to tuality, reated, t sat firmly and greing and penance. No t voice , t no teaco bring about ion. to go out into to lust and poo il t and Samana in o continue bearing t, teaclessness of a dreary and ed life up to to bitter despair, until Siddful, Siddually o die, mortal oday ha, and was full of joy.
ts, listened o omacened gratefully to a buzzing bee. Co ter so er trongly and beautifully. It seemed to o tell kno, ing ended to droired, desperate Siddoday. But t a deep love for ter, and