umptuous, insigo people. overestimate ts, o s; but doubt t Narcissus iced sometudent Goldmund, t ter ter. , noticed anyt Goldmund, apart from ure, and perain eagerness, a some made ill a student and a boarder, as to ter and o fear t Narcissus ure touc on. infect ain spiritual pride and erudite arrogance; but ticular pupil; it and see. o rule over average ratrong or exceptional cers, o sig going to let ed by suspicions; eful for tional rusted to his care.
Narcissus pondered a great deal about of spotting and emotionally recognizing ture and destiny of otold Goldmund. All t in too clearly: rong ually, perist, but at any rate a person potential for love, o give ive senses so set on leading tic life of t at great lengt it. Goldmunds fatermination. Could t? spell over o make tiny, y? sort of a person en intentionally touc of tly spoken of imagine see not strange and suspicious? old a story about a trout as a boy, ated ted a vivid picture. ant, po figure in Goldmunds life, o describe ly, to conjure up vivid images of t like imes w gave o his soul?
Goldmund also brooded a great deal. en sensation of not being taken seriously, of being treated a little like a c did it mean like him?
Yet t fill all of Goldmunds days. able to too long at a time. to be done in ten to see ter, terms. unity to ride tenants, especially en stalk otters es flour, by t. Alt time ill remained a number of s and pleasures. And usually to o sing in tudent co