and justice. It er tist, vagrant, and seducer of seen from above, ion of teness from dirt and blood, of o pation any better ted to live a regulated life, ies indicated by prayer bells? ed to study Aristotle and Saint to knoo extinguiso flee t created incts, y for sin, lust, and despair? tions around s circled pero lead a Goldmund-life, more courageous, more noble pero abandon oneself to tream of reality, to co commit sins and accept tter consequences ratside t a lonely -garden, strolling sinlessly among ones sered flos and along torn so suffer sun and rain, o play h suffering.
At any rate, Goldmund a man destined for o t dept and blood, becoming small and common, killing t darkness extinguis and tive force inside to ic life, and neit for ill-life images, radiant o being under Goldmunds stained ent faces glo, t plants and flole, proud, or sacred gestures, since t an abundance of ligs of God d in t of tist and seducer.
It o seem superior to Goldmund in tions, to oppose ellectual order to every small gesture of one of Goldmunds figures, every eye, every mout not more real, alive, and irreplaceable t tist, and misery, fasriving for innumerable people, contemporary and future, figures to anguisless people urn for consolation, confirmation, and strength?
Smiling and sad, Narcissus remembered all times since taugefully ed, alting Narcissuss superiority and guidance. And tly, empest and suffering of ructions, no explanations, no autic, ened life. er d