to deat t once t it ed and long-feared broken out. On all sides lay dead and decomposing bodies, and on all sides, too, smasorted and ful confusion and ly stirring placards, ters flamed like torcion to side to make an end at last of t and ocrats from otomobiles. Set factories afire at last! Make a little room on te it so t tream and moor return to t and concrete. Otly pake in try and some se and less cerms ified to tellect of t tide of anarced in a truly impressive y and education and justice, and praised mac and most sublime invention of ts aid, men o tudied ted on t ted me as po, and I stood as deeply convinced in front of one as in front of turbed all time by t on all round me. ell, t, genuine and ic ive and trical matters, all nonsense at bottom; but a ly pleasing gave empic expression to rove to prepare truction of t civilization of ours. In every eye I saruction and murder, and in mine too tly. I joined ttle joyfully.
t of all, my scav, turned up close beside me. I sig, strongest, most eager and venturesome of t as I sa blue eyes. once I followed him joyfully.
quot;Good Lord, Gustav,quot; I cried ;I seen you in ages. ever ;
, just as o do as a boy. quot;t, jabbering and asking questions. Im a professor of t to kno, ts ;
t came snorting too it as nimbly as a monkey, broug to a standstill for me to get in. ts and cras of town and suburbs.
quot;Are you on turers?quot; I asked my friend.
quot;Os a matter of taste, so out o