Chapter 4
to be said for table grey skies of Asoli in autumn and table people. None of tatingly superior as Catriana dAstibar , Devin e certain, ever eered, as one triad-bligo bring do from t in case one of the vigil-keeping lords should grow weary.
quot;Goc be more of a fool tely must be!quot; te;to keep a c—a pallet in t to teful you arent dependent on your brain to feed your belly, Goch!”
Devin fervently seconded timents of t and ive existence. For tentime since ts ered triana, and for tietime, io seemed about right.
Finally ts left; ibar to bear teructions akingly explicit. its like Goc spitefully, to be.
From owards dusk. ly op.
urned back to to ty, dusty rooms of to t at triana wed above her hips.
op t too.
It greeadily darker. t o far a ing in t ting of t to rustling.
tly, te ligains and Devin kne Vidomni all trees of t t blue Ilarion be very much longer.
It . torc and ttled, and teomasso came in wo lords whe Paelion.
ts uncovered and laid out t, Gocumbling on t. te to go, s apology, bohe door behind him.
quot;ine, my lords?quot; said tomasso dAstibar in t closet. quot;e will ly.”
And from t t ude of he peril he was in.
t te the door.
Devin couldnt, in fact, see t ely and it upefaction t of a fortnigregea at all and ting target of e.
Rasainly o be.
So by time Alessan named ed o come doogetly took th offered him.
quot;All quiet, since mid-afternoon,quo