of Nesos mets a neaxing Master and promises fairer measures in ture. I t s affairs in nortime.”
quot;Good,quot; said Dianora, trying to ignore t some man or ot;And very tidy. I o add: t; Saking anot came doo bedrock, sive and a concubine, and ern Palm. On to measure t to focus on those.
DEymon looked coolly do her gaze on his, her eyes wide and disingenuous.
quot;It ; lengt;t you so favored tured you. One minded, t you ed to come.”
Perilously, uncannily near to t sing serious in .
So relax, and smiled. quot; pleasant meetings suc; s one c;I do favor t many suchens, Im afraid.”
a moment. t;t; But before so interpret eit;I seriously t of nig, or suggesting you be freed and made a citizen of Ygrath.”
quot; extremes, my dear!quot; S;Didnt you teac balance is everything?”
quot;I did,quot; rising to . ; youve done to
t t?”
quot;,quot; sy, quot;erday?”
quot;t is not at all t. Obviously.quot; t of color in ;I s. In time, I very nearly forgot to mention t t for you. I intercepted t reacing in the library.”
S to , as agitated as ;; she asked quickly.
quot;Not very. seem to mind being late. tell .”
quot;I could tell ; Anger almost c for control.
quot;And so could I. And so, I suppose, could Solores. e seldom do, do pointed out, is everyt is e forget it.”
Sried to t failed. ened es! And all ting for her, and dEymon had known.
Surned, abruptly and dismally