d o existence for ternal punis of sinners. rait and dark and foul-smelling prison, an abode of demons and lost souls, filled raitness of to puniso be bound by ive least some liberty of movement, only so in number of togeto be four tterly bound and , as a blessed saint, saint Anselm, es in udes, t even able to remove from t gna.
-- terior darkness. For, remember, t. As, at t its but not its lig taining tensity of its , burns eternally in darkness. It is a never ending storm of darkness, dark flames and dark smoke of burning brimstone, amid ten one plague alone, t of darkness, o to last not for t for all eternity?
-- trait and dark prison is increased by its aencold, so a vast reeking seion of t day one, too, y fills all s intolerable stencilential odour t, as saint Bonaventure says, one of to infect t pure element, becomes foul and unbreat must be trid corpse t ting and decomposing in tion. Imagine suco flames, devoured by tone and giving off dense cion. And tenciplied a millionfold and a millionfold again from tid carcasses massed togetting ench of hell.
-- But tenc, is, test porment to orment of fire is test torment to ed ures. Place your finger for a moment in t our earted by God for t of man, to maintain in o s, ed by God to torture and punisant sinner. Our eart tacks is more or less combustible, so t y ing cions to crate its action. But tone roys at time as it burns, so t tense it is ter is its duration; but ty, t it preserves t rages ensity,