Chapter 5
may be familiar . In one of o play:
On a clotrue
ited cue
And elliptical billiard balls.
-- ago.
Moynioephens ear and murmured:
-- price ellipsoidal balls! che cavalry!
udents rude ter of Stepo gay life limp priestly vestments t ting to sy emerged from t-bloments, tudies, tly florid bursar , ttle priest e devout verses, t peasant form of tall form of tal science discussing on telopes, troubled prefect of ty, talian umbling, tumbling and capering, kilting ter, smacking one anot to one anotesting y at some rougwo beheir hands.
to took do of coils, ble from many points and, bearing it carefully to table, inoid lately discovered by F. . Martino.
ials and surname of the discoverer. Moynihan whispered from behind:
-- Good old Freser Martin!
-- Ask eps a subject for electrocution. he can have me.
Moyni o call he voice of a slobbering urchin.
-- Please teacer saying a bad eacher.
-- Platinoid, to German silver because it of resistance by cemperature. tinoid ed and t insulates it is e bobbins just ra current urated in paraffin wax
A ser voice said from tephen:
-- Are o be asked questions on applied science?
to juggle gravely erms pure science and applied science. A student, acles, stared tioner. Moyniural voice:
-- Isnt MacAlister a devil for his pound of flesh?
Stepangled tioner offended o carry oudents fatter o Belfast to study and rain fare