Chapter 5
all classes and sexes in ted States of ture.
Eleven! te for t lecture too. day of t? opped at a nes to read ten to eleven, Engliso to one, po ure and felt, even at t distance, restless and es meekly bent as te in tebooks ts to note, nominal definitions, essential definitions and examples or dates of birticism side by side. for s le class of students or out of te gardens of t before bencs bending fello appealing y to tabernacle for t t tain of t before om of a dream, ts stiff black uprig -like face, priest-like in its palor, in t-like in t ly smiling; and Steply old Cranly of all tumults and unrest and longings in er day and nig, only to be ans y priest o absolve but t again in memory ts dark womanish eyes.
trange dark cavern of speculation but at once turned a, feeling t it yet to enter it. But tslessness seemed to be diffusing in tenuous and deadly exion and be found o anot or left in stolid tly emptied of instantaneous sense until every mean srickling into t to band and disband thms:
the wall,
And he wall,
the wall,
Ivy, ivy up the wall.
Did anyone ever y! ivory ivy?
ter ttled tusks of eleps. Ivory, ivoire, avorio, ebur. One of t examples t in Latin tit ebur; and or rue tamorply Englision of porkers and pots tle in verse from a ragged book ten by a Portuguese priest.
Contra orator, variant in carmine vates.
tories and secessions in Roman ory e anto discrimine and ried to peer into ty of citie