Chapter 5
, Mr Dedalus, said t is like looking doo to trained diver can go doo to the surface again.
-- If you mean speculation, sir, said Step t be bound by its own laws.
-- ha!
-- For my purpose I can present by t of one or totle and Aquinas.
-- I see. I quite see your point.
-- I need til I . If try to trim it. If it does not give lig and buy another.
-- Epictetus also er e ations by. You knoetus?
-- An old gentleman, said Step tful of er.
-- ells us in on, t an iron lamp before a statue of one of t a tole t did ted t it er of a to steal and determined to buy an eart day instead of the iron lamp.
A smell of molten tallots and fused itself in Step and lamp and lamp and bucket. ts voice, too, one. Steped by instinct, crange tone and ts face or lay be or ? A dull torpor of tellection and capable of the gloom of God?
-- I meant a different kind of lamp, sir, said Stephen.
-- Undoubtedly, said the dean.
-- One difficulty, said Stepic discussion is to knoerary tradition or according to tradition of tplace. I remember a sentence of Nes. tplace is quite different. I detaining you.
-- Not in t, said tely.
-- No, no, said Stephen, smiling, I mean --
-- Yes, yes; I see, said te catc: detain.
forered a dry s cough.
-- to return to t is also a nice problem. You must c be careful to overflo, not to pour in more the funnel can hold.
-- funnel? asked Stephen.