Part Two-11
ad t things you read?’
I used to be a Fascist. I used to t his way.
You knoures of tep togeto t o eacep toget ies because I didnt to t it. And because at time I didnt to t kno looked at tures and read said underneat understand. I never kne I . Of course later on I found out different.’
ter against co a young boys.
ell, you didnt realize then------ she said.
It errible transgression. A moral wrong.’
t or very y to toucte. It errible sin for a person to c on a test, but not a sin to copy o ick or sun-backed dresses. It errible sin to buy anytter if it cost only a nickel.
So time whey were kids.
Once crossed and stayed crossed for a year. out on steps at Vocational ook of scayed out for a whole year.
aller and very fat. Every time so eat in cimes tle. o fig real fig just in play. Sion jujitsu and boxing. Sometimes imes s tle kids ever broke any toy to ook time to fix it. o fix tric lig een arted back at Vocational and began to study urdays and read. For a long time s see mucil after t party she gave. he was very changed.
ILike t used to be I ion for myself all time. A great engineer or a great doctor or la no t is errible ther hand
Democracy. I mean I cant t I mean to be in life because I too muc t killing ler every nigy and scared of some- ■ t know w’
S ig t trembled. look old enougo be fifteen. itrees on t treet Mrs. ells was calling Sucker home.
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