Part Two-13
Ser s and called out crazy o make echoes.
atch here!’
all, ttle tree. trunk so ter.
Me too! atc!’
quot;ts a sapling.’
Sly er oo. Now she could swim O.K.
ter. t eac seem to be anyto do. Suddenly she said:have you ever swam naked?’
t and for a minute answer.
itties urned eettered. I—I dont think so.’
tement o say. I o.’
bangs of his hair. O.K.’
took off ts. o umbled and urned to more man a minute.ree and tore it to pieces. e better get dressed.’
All t, sleepy feeling of a summer afternoon.
In t ter and tuffed egg and mas did t make he.
t;Listen ty, Mick. I never did t mean I t you mean t------’
Ser. Maybe ter start back if to be home before dark.’
No, s lie do for a minute.’
cs ig was like sense all over.
Now we can sleep and be fresrip home.’
t bed and looked up at t te like an oboe —and t sank doones and called again. tion words.
I love t bird, s a vireo.’
I c on ter. You to tly like?’
he waves.
Sometimes blue and sometimes green, and in t sun ttle s back in a cigar box. And over
ter are te gulls. e time and ts never baking like it is here. Always------’
Snos to see. Cold, s of snoures. Blizzards. e, cold sno keeps falling soft and falls on and on and on ter. Snow like in Alaska.’
turned at time. t eac rembling and s igo crack. O saying over and over. It ed somethe way.