Part Two-16
I dont believe in it’
Sried to egg o an argument so t mad and stay a alk and didnt seem to pay attention. After a it look like a pilgrim forefath a gun in his hand?’
It sure does. ts exactly s like. And see over t t bottle look like a funny man on?’
?Na dont look a bit like one to me.’
Sook a drink from a glass of er on t if you to. tle fists up to , even way because he was falling asleep.
ait, George! s;th an M. Guess who I am.’
George sigired. Are you harpo Marx?’
No, Fm not even in the movies.’
I dont know.’
Sure you do. My name begins ter M and I live in
Italy. You ougo guess this.’
George turned over on answer.
My name begins sometimes Im called a f name beginning aly. You can guess. It and dark and George ed did not aed in close to little naked s wh decimals.
as Mister Singer aly up and do on table? a terrible afraidness like this one? No.
in ttime. Yet at time and.
If only sell t ter.
S of o tell er Singer—I kno any older ter Singer, I dont kno—Mister Singer. Mister Singer. She said his name over and over.
Ster tter even t love. It like anyt in her life before.
In togetalk.
Sometimes sed very muco be close to George. aller and le ears. ed so t rained look. teet t like eeth had .
been. Often of feeling out teetongue.
Listen here, George, she said. Do you love me?’
Sure. I love you O.K.’