Part Three-3
Out in treet again turned a deep, angry purple. In tagnant air torm smell.
trees along to steal into tmosp trange greenisreet. All Jake paused for a moment to sniff tcase under o run toreet. But quick enough.
tallic cras.
An avalancer blinded he New
York Cafe and so er.
Brannon puser. Nouition you er t you just too late. il it . And a suitcase?’
It looks like a suitcase, Jake said. And it feels like a suitcase.
So if you believe in tuality of suitcases I reckon t.’
You oug to stand around like tairs and t iron.’
Jake sat at one of tables and rested to rest my wind again.’
But your lips are turning blue. You look all knocked up.’
Im all rig I is some supper.’
Supper be ready for iently.
Any old leftovers put te. You dont even o boto them.’
tiness in . ed to look neitable. It at table for t time. And t out on a limb. And no o o get out of it by art again. At t of it panic came in ired. t on t beside him.
to .’
doe of c, he
steam and closed s in it?’
Lemon rind rubbed on a lump of sugar and boiling er s a good drink.’
how much do I owe you?’
I dont kno out before you leave.’
Jake took a deep draugoddy and to pay you—and if I did I probably anyway.’
ell, a bill and asked you to pay up?’
No, Jake said. You been very reasonable. And since I t it youre a rig guy—from tive, t is.’
Brannon sat