pper opportunely adjourned ty, and relieved Mr Riley from ting some solution or compromise - a labour elling to ulliver any positive expectation of a solid, definite advantage resulting to anding tle indications to trary y if it o get on a , and sagacity persuaded t men usually act and speak from distinct motives, ain to e its energies on imaginary game. Plotting covetousness and deliberate contrivance in order to compass a selfis but in tist: too intense a mental action for many of our felloy of t is easy enougo spoil t taking so mucrouble: by lazy acquiescence and lazy omission, by trivial falsities for ravagances, by maladroit flatteries and clumsily improvised insinuations. e live from o mout of us, e desires - tle else tco satisfy t years crop.
Mr Riley cold to, yet even ings ted designs. e understanding er Stelling; on trary tle of t M.A. and s - not quite enougo so strong a recommendation of o ulliver. But elling to be an excellent classic, for Gadsby cousin utor: e observation ure of t t Mudport Free Scanding Latin generally, icular Latin ready. Doubtless tle aroma from act ute and t it o be distinctly recognisable as classical, and ioneering style. telling icians. But a man ion could teacelling, dinner on a political occasion and ted it impsons o be expected of a Mudport man from t Ursula t omit to do a good turn to a son-in-laimpsons, for timpson useful and influential men in to put into t e apart from any money ed t, from less s into isfaction to