ng it to exist, ue in rags oriously likely to remainrecognised (per is seen so seldom).
`I knos, said Bob in a reble voice, as ing in. ` Sut Oggs - rot-catc-catco ts. But Lors! you mun s. Dogs is no good. dog, noinued, pointing to myself - I did - at t-catchers barn.
Yap, feeling tucked ail in and so toms leg, tle for to seem beempt for a dog who made so poor a figure.
`No, no, sport. Ill s and everything, when Ive done school.
`s, Measter tom, said Bob, eagerly, `te ferrets in a cage , ansee em fig. ts ud be better fun amost nor seein t t t o ts, an some o t tasted just as good, added Bob, by e or addendum, after a moments pause.
`But, I say, Bob, said tom, in a tone of deliberation, `ferrets are nasty biting te a fello being set on.
`Lors, y on em. If a c, be long before a good un - .
At t a striking incident made t er from among t a er-rat Bob intimated t o undergo t unpleasant consequences.
`om, clapping tle black snout made its arroo te bank. `Seize him, lad, seize him!
Yap agitated declined to plunge, trying as well.
`Ugom, and kicked ed as a sportsman to possess so poor-spirited an animal. Bob abstained from remark and passed on, co he overflowing river by way of change.
`, said Bob, as er up before to it. ` ear, t o er, they was.
`Ay, but, said tom, ion betatements t e accordant, `but ts all over the fields ever such a way.
I dont care about a flood comin, said