C H A P T E R 4
In to gat in a stand of bare oaks. Bird by bird, to t t. My kidnapping, still fres me timid and battered, not trusting a soul in t days and ine appearance of ture provided reas-suring continuity. By time trees lost tretco tened me. I came to look for-o tted against try sky, a natural part of my new life.
taugion to Speck, Igel, Béka and On-ions, t and assured, and tagalong, Cterbox ring of pearls, and cruly funny or exciting, sook off like a skittering bat, dancing in circles and figure eighe clearing.
Apart from talian grocers in toco anger and quicker to forgive. t, Smaolac be more dissimilar. to Béka, Smaolacrated on task at as a robin tugging up an eart of us all, o ried to feign nonchalance.
Igel, t and leader of took pains to explain t. o gig for frogs and fiso find er collected overnigo distinguisoadstools, and dozens of otricks. But even t guide is no matc of my early time, I me under constant c least to stay around camp, o any of other people.
quot;If tc; Igel told me. quot;And lock you aest to see if t by t;
quot;And you ; said Ragno.
quot;And be not; said Zanzara, and Crated by dancing around to the edge of darkness.
, a small party as, and sayed beh deerskins.
quot;Since you are t,quot; Igel told me, quot;you cs.quot;
Smaolacood over ticed t ment of coed brogues, canvas tennis sed boot, c last a pair of brand neips t seemed to be my size.
quot;t your ankles off.quot;
quot; t; I