to sound like a mad song before someone mercifully ans nigrying to stay focused on s later, a rap on my door, a curious pause, and tensified to a t she nearly fell off of me.
quot; is it? Im busy. Cant you see tie on t;
quot;; On trembled. quot;Its your motelep;
quot;tell .quot;
tave. quot;Im really sorry, you need to take t;
I pulled on pants and a ser, opened t taring at t;Someone betterve died.quot;
It ioned turally, in my s. Upon returning ory t ting in t a stoplig four blocks ae, notucked in a cigarette pack h one remaining Camel.
I spent trying to make sense of t a t killed somet trut me. My deceptions oo careful and clever, yet in my infrequent encounters ed cold, distant, and unyielding. Some private demons plagued I felt no compassion. it, ers, and I could never forgive o tself, ted our family to ts.
itraug of making arrangements. S, no doubt abetted by ributions over many years, to alloo be buried in te tment, but ions. teen, o tears, and at ter all, and coming as it did in ter of my sopimed. I cursed to pay ts astonished me.
As om in our touary to treet. A brigege of more trailed beers and I led the grim parade.
quot;; I her.
Sraig;Your fat of tory. to a salmon t;
In t . Robins and t stood in toic as a soldier. Seeing e o o to our friends and family, and to me. e did not speak of ers back to to receive condolences.
omen from cones. t more cool and quiet t did in t