oo tion. Vaniservening years o a beautiful young woman.
quot;Do you still play piano?quot; s;I y at college. Are you studying music?quot;
quot;Composition,quot; I told ;For orcra and c ever get comfortable in front of people. You?quot;
quot;Im nearly finisical nurse. But Id like to get a masters in social oo. All depends.quot;
quot;Depends on ;
So;On . Depends on my boyfriend, I guess.quot;
quot;You dont sound too entic.quot;
So me, .
quot;?quot; I whispered back.
As if a ligened. quot;t to do. ;
t upon me, as if I I could not place s oranger draury. tess scrambled to and nestled into uck out a paed a beat for my handshake.
quot;Brian Ungerland,quot; ;Sorry for your loss.quot;
I muttered my tion of tesss voice brougo t;Good luck ions, ; s;Ill look in tore for you.quot; Seered Brian to;Sorry ;
As t, I called out, quot;I , tess, and dont get .quot; S me over her shoulder.
After all tors ed, my motcy glasses in ts of tcreetops before evening fell. trutted like cassocked priests on to to become invisible.
quot;I dont kno looking at me.
I sipped anotion.
S reply. quot;eve enougo get by. t a;
quot;twins could ;
quot;to count on to er, I . t trouble noion occurred to ;It of ruining tations. t;
I drained tte from my pocket.
S;You migo stay until I can get on my feet. Do you tay?quot;
quot;I guess I could miss anot;