quot;I am sorry t you.quot;
quot;It doesnt ,quot; I wiff and sore.
quot;Life s compensations. Listen.quot;
Lo betrees, unrolling its . Speck tensed, tling.
quot;You old,quot; s;You o getting married or eet. You need a cane or a crutc;
e rike. t it.
quot;Like c; I said.
quot;t c; S ence linger in tar, o sense trick of staring and drifting imes over t not t nigars uck in its rotation. Eyes lifted, cing to t, t shinking.
quot;as ;
quot;I cannot tell you. Let go of t, Aniday. Its like o t for t moment, and tter a; S me. quot;You s.quot;
quot;I cant. My mind is filled ;
So my lips. quot;Listen.quot;
Notirred. ;I cant ;
But sant sound, and urned inransported to its source.