quot; and s pants, dark blue—op Caylors. back of ter dinner last nig ill lig. And t; urned to ;I tried calling you all over t;
Oscar pursed ;Im so sorry, man. I getting ;
George began o t;No time for recriminations. eve got a missing kid to find.quot;
Off to toget in t. truck bumped and rattled along a firebreak cut timberline, and o a stop in a cloud of dust. team a mile due from my as far into t as to drive toment leaned against ttle of cola in enormous gulps, arce s. Our party got out of t smell of rolled among toain, ted us. Grassfall, angle of ure of t. I follo pat tain and ruck until t.
A bloodance, taking up a scent. e trudged along single file for several by ternoon. Every fes, someone for ting in t. e were ced wop of a small rise.
quot;tting us no; ?quot;
t, I could not counter seeming a coward.
quot;Lets meet back nine.quot; itermined sobriety, Oscar studied tcing off moments to ed and cime go by.
quot;Four ty,quot; last.
quot;Ive got four ty-five,quot; said George.
And almost simultaneously, I said, quot;ty after.quot;
quot;ty-five of five,quot; said Jimmy.
Leo ;ts funny—my copped.quot; ared at its face. quot;Seven ty. ts rig.quot;
Eac t of temporal confusion. Oscar resumed ching.
quot;Okay, okay, on my signal, set your c is noy-five.quot;
e fiddled ems and dials. I ime was sucer all.
quot;e direction. George and Jimmy, you e to eac; ed by