, o ty blanket ts lying tasore in t, dried-out musreasure.quot;
I looked out torm ed. hey gone?
quot;As Im fixing up dinner, Oscar starts poking around trying to find a o open time pants like knickerbockers and a dingy er. believe tuff ts out ts, mittens. e go around uncovering all ttons, a poucion, and old cards and neuff ten on ticing ring, a y scissors. t told to go up and investigate, because t types around our to;
quot;I s.quot; My mother pursed her lips.
Elizabet ;s ure?quot;
quot;I didnt say anyt nature.quot;
quot; t; Jimmy continued, quot;must before I got tells me o be naked in a . tending to be pirates, kidnapped ied o a tree. Anot on a mask t looked exactly like o a ook off all ake off all ting kind of freaked out, but to forget it all , puts a lid on tunnel.quot;
to go tried to remember be.
quot;All t for one girl, s , but it does explain a lot of t;
quot;And t boy t; Mom said.
quot;Maybe ts ;Maybe t boy kinda looked like s w ;
Mary put for everybody ;
Mom . quot;Sounds like to me.quot;
t I kneter. I pressed my fore tried to forget. to th.