t merciless t remains is memory to compensate. Our friends s t our poor minds could conjure to fill loves absence. I am ed to tbreaking for Speck, too. S about asks grim and determined, as if by staying busy soms at bay.
After ter in t, and ted Smaolac time in years, bound to one small clearing in t by Cy. to go back e at us all. Five years our camp, and it migo return. t time anyone surely ne as nature reclaims its ruins, too, en about t boy lost in t. t life to remain as t it had been.
it safe to travel again, Luc out, leaving t our makes camp to c day, our spirits quickened at t of seeing our old s again. e raced like deer along trails, laugions as a promise of brigion.
Climbing tern ridge, I ant laugy. to vieree limbs and branc road spot trees. Branc trail, more streets and o to town.
quot;Be it ever so ; Luchóg said.
I looked far aling activity. From tation ied up ossed a football. A yello ttering curses as ring of ligo notice as day gave o nigs on in the homes, as if on sudden signal.
quot;S; Luchóg asked.
e crept doo t. ty. t figures crossing beal tasks. Glancing in eacory unfolding. A cirred somet. Anoted a ared at minuscule figures playing games in a glo or anger. -door neig in an easy co the noise and flickering images.
quot;; I whispered.
Covered to oes in blue terryclot in a small cage in tractedly ly colored plastic toys. For a moment, I t t I could not understand o trailed beail. So a boartl