t time I saoo aruck to touc a freak or a devil, but perfect in every iful boy. After t to meet so mucer being to sometess smiled at my confusion and the look in my eyes as I beheld him.
quot;You break ; she said.
My son. Our cen fingers, ten toes. Good color, great lungs, a natural at t. I co me as s an autumn football game. t moto cras, and t of cac my skin. I kissed our boy and considered teful for the human child.
e named tled into t Mom and C for us in t up in t first, I could not bear t of living t tess pregnant and ting, I could not say no. t a small studio, moving in taugo seventudent orcra at Mark tion t evoked to another.
For inspiration, I imes unfold tocopy of t and study tav. ts appeared in fragments. A doctor listens to my beat understand. as szes. tang of apple en in ted ers day, te joke. In tands touch again.
Playing music is t only do I recall te ting vines of tand, t I can unes again, and feel tions es resound from tion of notes makes up translate to t time, to make true link to my first c sensation of bringing tes to life. ts, and noury or more later, I attempted to create tion, but it o communicate my desires all over again.
Being around our tiny speec lost life and made me ced every passing day. ood, greeetalked, beime, t happy family.
My sisters marred t ideal picture. Mary, ial ones to point out ty. tended family my mot eigceps over and over again. Ces of tess guarded t skillets, so I time in