ng to e you a letter, because ss you to knoed in our poor little tommy, and some money to e is very beautiful to t people far atle o t your great city, t trangers to me, but noly. It seems to me t all people strangers to eac patiently for time to come ten some lines about England ry to e them for you.
quot;o mountain ised grasp ogete and boo caress reams bettle mother isle, God bless her!”
You o tommy o teac ty, active little fellow.
o climb mucter to spell, but t is because kno imagine ell us s, and ell him how we have loved him so long.
tomorrohey are here.
No say good-bye. Please ttle sister, hELEN KELLER.
tO REV. Pon, May 1, 1891.
My Dear Mr. Brooks: ing t May-day. My teac told me t you your friends everyand very must be good and my dear friend is brave, and . It is very beautiful to t you can tell so many people of tender love for all gentle and noble as o be. I ell ts beat fast oo, t Bistle friend, hELEN KELLER.
Before a teacommy and ion en. At Bise letters to t many generous replies. All of t in letters to tter is to tor of ton e list of tributions amounted to more teen hundred dollars.
tO MR. JOon, May 13, 1891. Editor of ton herald: My Dear Mr.
in t? I to kno so muctle tommy, and t to s II. Letters(1887-1901)83
of ten, and is learning somet t doors little sticks and bits of paper can be got into te easily; but seem very eager to get t after to climb ts and unscreeam valves mu